Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My very own LOLcats!

Ok, this is TOTALLY my favourite generator of all time. I used to make my very very own LOLcats, using photos of my fur babies Malcolm, Felix and Eclair. I knew those cute pics wud come in handy someday. So what do u think, shud I upload these to I can has cheezburger? wud anyone else out there think these were remotely funny or cute?

I luffs generators!

I've been sitting at home playing on my laptop with all the different generator toys on The Generator Blog and FD toys. I been making all sorts of cool posters and stuff, and making my husband look at em too. Heres a few of my favourite things:

My very own trading awesome is that!

I hear its a 5 star flick! Don't miss

And here's my very own motivational poster....starring my fur babies Malcolm and Felix, please don't be offended...they was just trying to be funneh

Official post 4 - How cool are generators!

OMIGOSH! these are soooo cool! I had so much fun playing around with them. I'll have to save the coolest ones for playing around with at home, with some real photos. But anyways, I made a lil comic strip using (well, I am comicbookgal after all!) I think u can check it out at

and I also made this pic using the Letter James site

Free advertising, awesome! The one thing I can't wait to get home 2nite to check out is the LOLcat generator at I have ALWAYS wanted to make my very own LOLcat pics using my furbaby photos from home. I'll post em for ur perusual once I get to play :)

Official post 3....even more RSSing

So there I was thinking I was all done with RSS, and then I clicked on the next lesson and there was MORE. But it turns out these were really good I actually like RSS, and I think I mite even keep on using my feeder. Of the three tools listed, I thought topix was interesting, and did use it to subscribe to a local news feed (once I figured out just where the RSS feed button was....needs to be bigger!), I hated syndic8 - found it really un userfriendly to navigate around...and I LOVED technorati (I got an awesome entertaiment news feed via it...such great goss!) I kind of wish I knew this lesson was coming up while doing the last one, I wasted soooo much time looking for feeds. I had a moment of excitement which got squashed, when I realised that my favourite site can be subscribed to.....but then I found its blocked here at work, and I got I can't remember how I even found it through technorati in the first place, so I'm just gonna have to subscribe when I get home :)

Ahhh, cute kitties AND sci-fi ....can it get any better than this?

Official post 2 - the joys of RSSing

Or rather the NOT joys (insert the Home Alone shocked face pic here....oh hold on...I can actually do that can't I, here I go)

Yep, thats me after the trials of RSS too! Its really interesting, and I can really see that for people who are constantly checking in on lots of sites, it would be a life saver! (Perhaps I should suggest to my hubby for all the different webcomics he keeps up with?) I subscribed to a bunch of fellow library bloggees, and this alone was interesting (thanks so much to those that added subscribe buttons....soooo much easier) I did some without too tho to make sure I cud. I also subscribed to the auckland weather feed.....a couple of webcomics including the sublime Unshelved, the itunes top 25, and a couple of different publishing book and comic sites. I was truely on a roll doing all this at home yesterday, until I surfed somewhere I shudn't and picked up some nasty spyware that totally took over the desktop (which was rather scary!) Turns out my husband took off our spyware blocker in order to update to a newer version, but hadn't gotten to it yet. Poor guy, took him an hour to get it off the puter.....thank goodness for his geek skills aye! Anyways, back to RSS, interesting, but not gonna start using it myself. Most of the sites I would be most interested in keeping track off aren't set up with RSS feeds....if they were mebbe it would be more useful. Are Manukau gonna get RSS feeds on their website? Would love to subscrible to parts of the new book lists that we add now, I love those lists so.

Just found the extra bit....made my blogroll public and heres the link....

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Official Post 1 - making my blog

I think setting this blog up has take me the most ridiculous amount of time, tis lucky I'm doing it from home aye! I just couldn't bring myself to make some random thing, I needed a odd but intriguing title....did I succeed?
This is not my first visit into the blogosphere....I used to have a 'family' blog where all my family could post content, was a nice way to keep up with family further afield. But then we all discovered the joys of social networking (ahhh, facebook and bebo), and the blog died a sad death.
What did I learn? that adding a heading pic is slightly challenging...BUT I DID IT....WOOT!
I also learnt that blogger is even more user friendly than it used to be, and has some cool new features to play with. I guess u'll just have to watch this space to see me play with em!

The first post

How creative is that post title aye! Welcome to my blog.....I can promise there will be no eating of kittens whatsoever, so for those of u who are disappointed....this is not the blog for u!
This is my Manukau Libraries Web 2.0 blog, where I will explore the many wonders and excitement of web 2.0 (yes, even that pain in the tush RSS) Who am I? I'll give u a clue or 2.....I like comics....and cats (not the eating of).....and on-line gaming too, any help to ya? my profile pic is a bit of a giveaway

Ahhh, comics AND cats combined.......a winning combination indeed!