But apparently my gallbladder had bigger plans than that, and a few weeks ago I was hit with a massive attack (which even my industrial painkillers did nothing for) and I was rushed into hospital to have my gallbladder out pronto. I feel a little sad that I can't remember my ambulance ride there, but apparently pethadone will do that to ya. So, I was admitted on the Monday....but didn't get my op till the Thursday arvo/evening....during which time I had a couple more attacks, but hey, I was in the right place....morphine anyone? (Truth be told, I hated the morphine, it made me feel so sick...lol) So one keyhole surgery later, and I'm freeeee of gallbladder nasty pains....YAY.
So here I am at home recuperating. Spent pretty much all of last week in bed feeling sore but awful grateful (thanks to my lovely nurses at Middlemore, and the doctors too). I felt well enough to be let out of the house with my husband on the weekend.......YAY, free from the house! But then I felt awful again Sunday night, so it was perhaps not the best idea I had had. So here I am taking it easy again. My lovely mother has been a saint, taking me to my doctors appointments, bloodtests and follow ups, and apparently all is looking good.
Big thankies to all my friends and family, for the visits and well wishes etc. Thanks also to my lovely work collegues for the lovely plant and card.....I miss work.....and the gym.....lol!
Huge thankies to my husband who was amazingly good to me, and made a terrific nurse at home :) So where's your gallbladder? heres a lil pic for you from Wikipedia.com...see, this is an edumacational post too! (course, mines not there anymore!)
and p.s...they kept the stones for me and guess how many there were left- 27 of them! omigosh. My sister wanted me to put a pic of them here on the blog, but I thought that mite be too gross for ya all :)
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