Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Official Post 12 - Social Bookmarking

Right, I actually started this way back when I did my last official type post, so I've just taken my time to refamiliarise myself with it, and add some new bookmarks (from my home bookmark list).
I started off just having a look around, and checking out the work account, but soon decided it would be much more fun to make my own account up. So I did, and I think this is a really useful tool! we have 2 pcs and 2 laptops here at home, with different bookmarks saved all over the place, so this is a really useful way of being able to access all my favourite sites from one place! I also had fun with the tagging, trying to be useful and creative.
I mostly see this as a personally useful and fun tool to use - a way of checking out what other sites are liked by people who like the same sites as me. Its also entertaining to see how popular my favourite sites are!
I guess it could be used for research, as in someone may have created a list of excellent sites on a topic, which you could then tap into, but I don't think this would be my first point of call to check.
I added a 'badge' for my account here on my blog - its over there somewhere on the right, go on, check it out, you know you want to!

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